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Katie Vinen – Chair of the Clinical Services Committee I am delighted to have taken on the role of chair of the Clinical Services...
UK Kidney Week 2017 is almost upon us; and what a great programme awaits in Liverpool. Plenty for everyone whether your main interest is...
The ARI have been approached by BRS Council to develop some guidelines to support industry members who may interact with patients and patient organisations...
The ANSA conference was held on 22nd April @ the Arden Hotel near Birmingham and was attended by around 100 delegates from across the...
We were delighted to welcome both delegates and speakers to our Annual Meeting held recently in central London. With an audience of 45 delegates...
Our very own Digby Lund (ARI ExecutiveCommittee Member) attended the Renal Registry Informatics Meeting back in September 2015. These meetings are held twice yearly...
The ARI Executive Committee members attend a number of meetings on behalf of the Association across the year. We will be publishing summaries of...
Registration for UKKW in Birmingham from 7-10 June 2016 is now open. The abstract submission deadline has been extended until 5pm on 25 January...
Paul Rylance (Chair of the BRS/RA Patient Safety Group) has recently written to all ARI members seeking their feedback on errors in HD washback...
UK Kidney Week is running from the 7-10 June 2016 at the ICC in Birmingham. BRS have announced this week that abstract submission is...